New Patients
What can you expect during the first visit with Dr. Dan?
During your visit, Dr. Dan will first listen to your needs and ask a variety of questions in order to get a good handle on your specific problem or problems. Next, he will perform a physical examination with detailed neurological and orthopedic testing relating to your specific case. If the examination warrants the need, an x-rays will then be taken during this visit.
Once all necessary diagnostic testing has been performed, Dr. Dan will throughly review all the information collected. He will then explain this information in a way you will easily understand. Knowing exactly what is going on with your specific case and then communicating that information to you is extremely important.
If Dr. Dan determines your case is suitable for chiropractic care, he will outline an appropriate treatment plan which is tailored to you. Your plan will include the proper treatment techniques needed for your condition and approximate treatment times.
If he determines your condition is not appropriate for chiropractic care, Dr. Dan will refer you to the appropriate professional.
Returning Patients
What can you expect during subsequent visits to Dr. Dan?
Subsequent visits typically involve the appropriate adjustment initially outlined. Sometimes therapeutic modalities are recommended (such as electric muscle stimulation, ultrasound, and ice/moist heat) in conjunction with chiropractic adjustments and active care rehabilitation in the form of stretching. Strengthening and stabilization in the course of treatment may also be necessary during your follow up visits. If Dr. Dan feels message therapy and soft tissue treatment would be beneficial for you, he will refer you to the right message therapist. Nutrition can also be incorporated into your treatment protocol. Your subsequent visits will be unique to your specific condition. There is not a “cookie cutter” type of treatment plan.
Dr. Dan considers all aspects of your life: family history, work environment, diet, exercise regime, proper body mechanics, and ergonomic corrections (proper way to sit, stand, bend ect.) will be discussed in order to avoid further damage or injury. These considerations help to decrease recovery time and avoid relapse.